It's not always easy to accept your curls (even if you actually love them), especially after a good night of sleep! And even then, it's true that sometimes you want a change. Who said it was complicated to style your curls? We've selected our favourite hairstyles for you.
The loose bun
In a banana, on the side or in a tousled mode, the bun for curly hair can be done in many ways. The aim is not to make it into a plastered and perfectly done bun, but to accentuate the fuzzy side that gives the hairstyle its charm. It's easy to do, you just need an elastic band and hairpins (quality ones, we recommend) and a rather soft brush adapted to your hair type. Before you start styling, you can also apply a moisturiser to the ends and lengths of your hair to make styling easier.
Start by forming a half-high ponytail, not too tightly to keep that tousled look. After forming your ponytail, take a strand of hair as you go, roll it up and secure it with your hairpin. Do the same for the other strands until you get your bun.
Tip: Don't hesitate to leave some strands loose on the front of your face for an even more tousled effect!
The braid, ideal for curly hair
Like the bun, the braid can be done in many different ways. Whether it's in a side spike, stuck to the top of the head or on one side of the face, there's plenty to choose from! We have selected our favourite braid for our Shaeri girls. First of all, we advise you to prepare your hair well with a moisturizer and if some of your curls decide not to cooperate with your morning mood, a little curling iron and the job is done!
Secondly, start by forming your hair parting according to your preferences, then form not one but two braids on the front of the two ends of your face, in spikes or basic braids. To keep the blurred effect that we like so much, don't make your braid too tight, but pull the ends of it so that it is a little more voluminous and relaxed.
Finally, take the two ends of your braids and secure them together with hair clips and a little hairspray at the back of your head. A romantic look for the day!
The bun
The accessory
For the position of the headband, we have our favourite! It's very simple, when you have finally found the accessory that suits you (preferably a medium size scarf), always prepare your hair with your care. When everything is ready, take your scarf square and fold it so that it forms a triangle. At this stage, fold it over several times.
Finally, tie the scarf starting at the back of your head and tie both ends above your head. Tie it into a neat knot for an even prettier look! You can always use hairpins to secure it.
Which Shaeri care for your hair? The Haircare Spray!
Made with 3 natural oils - prickly pear, avocado and jojoba - and over 96% natural, Daily Care can be used on wet or dry hair, before or after drying. It moisturizes the hair without weighing it down and eliminates frizz!